5 MILLION VOICES I Am Learning Inglés: A Dual-Language Comic First published on NPR website June 28, 2017 5:00 AM ET LA JOHNSON TwitterInstagram Thank you to NPR and LA Johnson for this story Did you like this comic? Let us know! Email npred@npr.org.
Categoría: English/Spanish/Inglés/Español
Research Shows Spanish Speakers Take Longer To Learn English. Why?
K-12- Bilingual Education Research Shows Spanish Speakers Take Longer To Learn English. Why? September 15, 2017 . 4:35 PM ET Heard on NPRs All Things Considered A recent study out of Philadelphia tracked kindergartners who were learning English and found that four years later there were major discrepancies between which groups of students had mastered the… Read more Research Shows Spanish Speakers Take Longer To Learn English. Why?
Grammar and Syntax~La gramática y la sintaxis
Grammar and Syntax La gramática y la sintaxis Translated and adapted by Magdalena Rangel. m.t.rangel@lenguafranca.net In linguistics, syntax (from Ancient Greek σύνταξις coordination; σύν: syn together; τάξις táxis order) is «the study of the principles and processes by which sentences are constructed in particular languages.» – Chomsky, Noam (2002) [1957]. Syntactic Structures.In linguistics, grammar (From Greek: γραμματική) is the set… Read more Grammar and Syntax~La gramática y la sintaxis
Sentence Structure of Technical Writing / Estructura de las oraciones en la escritura técnica
√ Formatted and translated to Spanish by Magdalena Rangel Sentence Structure of Technical Writing. Nicole Kelley. Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies @ MIT 2.671, Fall 2006. Lecture materials derived from The Craft of Scientific Writing © Michael Alley and “The Science of Scientific Writing” by Gopen and Swan. Translated to Spanish by Magdalena Rangel… Read more Sentence Structure of Technical Writing / Estructura de las oraciones en la escritura técnica
Verb To BE conjugations – English and Spanish.
Table compiled by Magdalena Rangel Verb TO BE conjugated In English and Spanish. Verbo SER conjugado en Inglés y Español. INDICATIVE MODE Simple Tenses MODO INDICATIVO Tiempos Simples Present Presente (yo) soy – (I) am, (tú/usted) eres/es – (you) are; (el-eso/ella-esa) es – (he/she/it) is, (nosotros/nosotras) somos – (we) are; (vosotros/ustedes) sois/son… Read more Verb To BE conjugations – English and Spanish.
THE INVISIBLE MAN – Spanish/English. Poem by Pablo Neruda
Translated from the Spanish original by Magdalena Rangel El hombre Invisible Yo me río, me sonrío de los viejos poetas, yo adoro toda la poesía escrita, todo el rocío, luna, diamante, gota de plata sumergida, que fue mi antiguo hermano, agregando a la rosa, pero me sonrío siempre dicen <yo>, a cada paso les sucede… Read more THE INVISIBLE MAN – Spanish/English. Poem by Pablo Neruda
Pediatric Dental Surgery Post-Operative Instructions – English and Spanish
Translated from the English original to Spanish by Magdalena Rangel For the Center for Pediatric Dentistry – In partnership with University of Washington and Seattle Children’s Hospital ENGLISH Pediatric Dental Surgery Post-Operative Instructions When can my child eat and drink? Liquids are important right after surgery. Offer your child juice, water or sport drinks several times a… Read more Pediatric Dental Surgery Post-Operative Instructions – English and Spanish
Limit Visitors / Limite los Visitantes
Limite los Visitantes Para: Pacientes de SCCA, miembros de la familia y/o visitantes encargados con su cuido médico. Fecha: 7 de Abril, 2015 Durante las últimas dos semanas, la clínica de SCCA ha visto más pacientes y empleados que han llegado con síntomas de catarro (resfrío) y gripe. Los virus de catarro y gripe… Read more Limit Visitors / Limite los Visitantes
¡Qué difícil es hablar el Español! ~ It can be so difficult to speak Spanish!
But worry not!: You can contact m.t.rangel@lenguafranca.net for your Spanish to English needs.