Research Shows Spanish Speakers Take Longer To Learn English. Why?

K-12- Bilingual Education Research Shows Spanish Speakers Take Longer To Learn English. Why? September 15, 2017 .  4:35 PM ET Heard on NPRs All Things Considered A recent study out of Philadelphia tracked kindergartners who were learning English and found that four years later there were major discrepancies between which groups of students had mastered the… Read more Research Shows Spanish Speakers Take Longer To Learn English. Why?


About Carlos Rangel Originally published in 1976- still relevant today. In a new redacted version of Yvan Katz’ original translation from French, with new complementary information, annotations, reference links and photographic illustrations. Index of the Sections >Introduction >Beginning >Caudillismo >The Consular Caudillos >The Mexican System >The Military «Party» >The Brazilian Model >Peronism >More of the… Read more CARLOS RANGEL’S CHAPTER 9: — THE FORMS OF POLITICAL POWER IN LATIN AMERICA

Grammar and Syntax~La gramática y la sintaxis

Grammar and Syntax La  gramática y la sintaxis Translated and adapted  by Magdalena Rangel. In linguistics, syntax (from Ancient Greek σύνταξις coordination; σύν: syn together; τάξις táxis  order) is «the study of the principles and processes by which sentences are constructed in particular languages.» –  Chomsky, Noam (2002) [1957]. Syntactic Structures.In linguistics, grammar (From Greek: γραμματική) is the set… Read more Grammar and Syntax~La gramática y la sintaxis

Sentence Structure of Technical Writing / Estructura de las oraciones en la escritura técnica

√ Formatted and translated to Spanish by Magdalena Rangel   Sentence Structure of Technical Writing. Nicole Kelley. Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies @ MIT 2.671, Fall 2006. Lecture materials derived from The Craft of Scientific Writing © Michael Alley and “The Science of Scientific Writing” by Gopen and Swan. Translated to Spanish by Magdalena Rangel… Read more Sentence Structure of Technical Writing / Estructura de las oraciones en la escritura técnica

English/Spanish Glossary of Neurologic Terms related to the Meninges and the Myelin

ENGLISH GLOSSARY OF NEUROLOGY TERMS RELATED TO THE MENINGES AND THE MYELIN GLOSARIO DE TÉRMINOS NEUROLÓGICOS RELACIONADOS CON LAS MENINGES Y LA MIELINA. Meningeal. a. Related to the meninges. Meníngeo–a. Relacionado a las meninges Meninges. n. pl. Three layers of connective tissue that surround the brain and the spinal cord. Meninges. f.  pl. Las tres… Read more English/Spanish Glossary of Neurologic Terms related to the Meninges and the Myelin

Una misteriosa enfermedad parecida al Polio que causa parálisis parece estar surgiendo este año

Reporte en  Washington Post, Dan Hurley, 21 de septiembre, 2016  a las 11:30 AM.  Link to original article in English Traducido por Magdalena Rangel 22 de Septiembre, 2016. Este pasado Julio 29, antes de la cena, Carter Roberts, un niño de 3 años de edad que vive en Chesterfield, Virginia, aparentaba estar completamente sano. Esa noche, vomitó.… Read more Una misteriosa enfermedad parecida al Polio que causa parálisis parece estar surgiendo este año


RESUMEN Es la responsabilidad colectiva de los Proveedores proteger la confidencialidad de la información acerca de su salud. Los Derechos del paciente son los siguientes: 1 – Usted puede solicitar que la información con respecto a su salud sea usada de forma restringida. (Nota: Su solicitud sería considerada, pero nosotros podríamos estar no de acuerdo… Read more RESUMEN DE LA DECLARACIÓN DE PRÁCTICAS DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD DE LOS PROVEEDORES DE SALUD

Verb To BE conjugations – English and Spanish.

Table compiled  by Magdalena Rangel Verb TO BE conjugated In English and Spanish. Verbo SER conjugado en Inglés y Español. INDICATIVE MODE        Simple Tenses MODO INDICATIVO      Tiempos Simples Present Presente (yo) soy – (I) am, (tú/usted) eres/es – (you) are; (el-eso/ella-esa) es – (he/she/it) is, (nosotros/nosotras) somos – (we) are; (vosotros/ustedes) sois/son… Read more Verb To BE conjugations – English and Spanish.