About Carlos Rangel Originally published in 1976- still relevant today. In a new redacted version of Yvan Katz’ original translation from French, with new complementary information, annotations, reference links and photographic illustrations. Index of the Sections >Introduction >Beginning >Caudillismo >The Consular Caudillos >The Mexican System >The Military «Party» >The Brazilian Model >Peronism >More of the… Read more CARLOS RANGEL’S CHAPTER 9: — THE FORMS OF POLITICAL POWER IN LATIN AMERICA
Categoría: Opinion and Analysis/Opinión y Análisis
¡Qué difícil es hablar el Español! ~ It can be so difficult to speak Spanish!
But worry not!: You can contact m.t.rangel@lenguafranca.net for your Spanish to English needs.
The Madness of Leadership.
The One South of Us. Author, Carlos J. Rangel Translated from the Spanish by Magdalena Rangel and the author Para leer este ensayo en español haga click aquí. On Monday November 24th 2014, the US was attacked. The largest ever cyberattack to date brought a major corporation to its knees and affected the lives of… Read more The Madness of Leadership.
With a Heavy Heart: Facing the Failures of ‘Chavismo’
Author, Carlos J. Rangel Translated from the original Spanish text by Magdalena Rangel and the author. REMEMBERING WHAT MUST NOT BE FORGOTTEN Venezuela has its heart on its chest and to the left. In a society with strong cultural collectivism the natural inclination is empathy for fellow countrymen’s suffering and to consider collective action as… Read more With a Heavy Heart: Facing the Failures of ‘Chavismo’